Block typography preset is not overriding the typography settings in a page view


Block typography preset is not overriding the heading global typography settings in a page view.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

Heading block has H5 and Preset set. In the editor everything is displayed as it should be.

But in production there is no impact from the Preset settings. Preset settings are ignored and only H5 settings are applied.




H5 settings

Preset settings

Hello @Audrius,

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this.

I tried reproducing this on my end but can’t seem to be able to as can be seen here:

Here’s the admin login:$2y$10$Gbq/x2Y4X93jdZXTLSok5eUVAEk.fvWgPAg8QZtMYOC2CgmoqwK3a

Am I missing something?


Hello @Louis,

We also experienced this with headings specifically and specifically with font family, so we simply removed the font family from the headings to workaround this. We tested it a few versions ago.

I believe the only thing that you didn’t put in the heading global style for h5 was the font family, so that is probably the missing element.

Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for that.
Just added a font-family to both, still working on my end.

Hello @Louis,

We just retested this with the same settings as we previously used and now overriding works absolutely perfectly for us also.

Apologies for the spam, clearly whatever caused our issue is no longer a problem in the latest version.

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Hello @StrangeTech,

Really appreciate you testing this out, thanks for letting me know.

@Audrius, if this is a live installation, I’d be grateful if you could email us at so we can take a closer look.
If not, we’ll go from here.


I just done the same on your demo site and there is no problem. But your demo is not WP 6.2. We are on WP 6.2. I will email you an admin link to check it on our site.

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I am just confirming that our tests were on WP 6.2 and it works in our case.

Perhaps there is another factor involved?

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Hello @Audrius,

Thanks for the access.

I can indeed confirm the issue when Frontend Rendering is active.
This will be fixed in the next update.

Apologies for the inconvenience!


@Louis , we were able to replicate this again. I think it occurs only on pages not on posts - as @Audrius alluded to in his original report:

Ah, this is the problem. Page rendering should be switched on too for replication. :+1:

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Hi @StrangeTech,

I’m not able to reproduce what you describe here: Sample Page – cwiclydemo

@Louis, we will make a minimal test case to rule out any error on our part and send you the details.

@Louis, the exact parameters or what we are seeing are much clearer now.

It appears there is a global styles loading issue (either in terms of timing or otherwise) with the Cwicly heartbeat when having multiple tabs open in the same browser or when multiple people are working on the same website in different browsers. It is difficult to pin down, but the result is that sometimes changes to global styles don’t apply to the page you are editing.

When it works, the updates to the editor apply instantly and when changing the font family it renders the new font for the heading in real-time. When it doesn’t work, changing the font-family does nothing and the heading remains the same.

The fact that this is intermittent is what led us to on the proverbial goose chase.

Hi @Audrius,

Your specific issue should be addressed in

@StrangeTech, I will leave this open until I have been able to reproduce your issue. Thanks for the details.


Hi @Louis, this has been a very strange issue caused by multiple factors - we believe we have established the cause was not related to Cwicly at all, so this bug can be safely marked as fixed. Thanks.

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