Block accordion not working in product description

I don’t know if this is a bug. block accordion not working in product description.

Insert Images, Videos or GIFs

  • WordPress version: 6.2.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hi @phamxuantrieu1502,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

Could you possibly share a frontend link to this page? (through PM or to if you prefer).
This way I can take a closer look at your setup, and the issue at hand.

Thank you in advance.

hi @Araminta ,
Link product:
AgeLOC Vitality Nuskin chống lão hóa, tăng cường sinh lực và năng lượng (180v) – chính hãng xanh

it still works fine on pages and posts. just not on product pages. thanks.

Thank you for the link, @phamxuantrieu1502!

It appears that the Accordion block is not functioning correctly due to content rendering through a specific custom hook.

Would you mind trying to deactivate any custom hook you might have and checking if that resolves the issue?

Thank you in advance.

It appears you are using a plugin such as Block Editor for WooCommerce.

Or using code like this to do the same thing (as @Araminta pointed out).

If so, that may be the cause of the issue.

Thank you @StrangeTech ,
do i use code to fix block for woocomerce so i can add block cwicly to product description. if not using that is there any other way to use block for product description without causing error? Thank you very much.

We are currently in the process of testing something similar but I don’t have a definitive answer at the moment and it may take a while to find a solution that works well.

I will post what we find in this thread.

In the meantime, as this is a customisation and not standard @Araminta and @Louis may have some better insights.

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thanks for the help. i found the cause. error in product description in cwicly product page template. i replaced it with woocommerce product description. it worked.

Thank you for getting back to me on this, @phamxuantrieu1502.

Could you possibly detail how you are injecting blocks within the product description?

Additionally, it would help if you could possibly provide a temporary access, so that I can take a closer look at your setup.

If this is possible, to keep things secure and private, kindly provide the necessary details using the following link:

Thank you in advance.