Bar unwell displayed

The bar for the first block is displayed above the block and it is not visible.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.0.1
  • Gutenberg Plugin version: -
  • Cwicly Plugin version:
  • Cwicly Theme version: 1.0.3

Hi @weedor,

Thanks for the report. Haven’t seen this issue for quite some time. Does this happen with Cwicly blocks only or all Gutenberg blocks?

Hi @Louis,
It seems that only Cwicly blocks show this behaviour.
I tried with a native Heading Block and the bar displays fine.

However, seems like it’s rather the div block being responsible.
So I’m with @weedor here.

This is something we’re going to have to investigate further, seems that it happens whenever a non-Cwicly block is inserted at the top of the post/template.


Hi @weedor,

This should be fixed in the latest versions of WordPress.

If you still experience this issue, I’d really appreciate it if you could let me know by replying to this thread.​


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I installed the plugin ** Disable Admin Notices Individually that fixed the issue disabling the messages.
Today I deactivated the plugin: a couple of messages are dispayed in the Wordpress backend but not in the themer.So I can confirm that the issue is defitivelly fixed.
I tag your last post with Solution
Thank you @Louis