Background overlay adding color to the editor backgroud


when adding a background overlay to a container, it adds the same color to the editor background in the insert new block area

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

Please write the steps needed to reproduce the bug.

  1. Open the Post Editor/Site Editor
  2. Add a container
  3. add a height to the container
  4. add a background image to the container, with a background overlay color
  5. insert a new block after the container

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Insert Images, Videos or GIFs

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hi @flora,

Just double check you are setting position: relative; on the container.

Hi, thank you. I saw this setting before posting but didn’t think it was related, even if after doing it the color disappears. I thought it was a bug as I didn’t set an overlay color nor any color the elements around.

So just to check, did that entirely solve your issue or is there still colour appearing where you don’t expect?

the issue is completely resolved. Thank you for your help.

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