Appending Anchor Links to Dynamic Post URL in Query Card

In a query card, I wish to add a link directing to a specific section of a post.
Is it possible to append ‘/#section_to_reach’ to the dynamic ‘Post URL’?

Yep it is possible, see here: Link Selector add "Prefix" and "Suffix" for dynamic links - #7 by Wolfgang


Thank you, @Wolfgang
I checked the link you provided, but I’m unable to find where I should enter the suffix that leads to the desired section."


Hey @weedor.

Make sure to disable the link (blue dot in the link modal), give your block an HTML tag of a and add the following custom attribute.

Let me know if it’s working out for you.

Thank you, @Marius, for your response, and my apologies for my late reply. I’ve been unavailable in the past few days.

Unfortunately, the solution you proposed hasn’t worked for me.

Let me provide a summary:

In a “category” template, I have a query (posts), and on the card, I display the number of comments for the post. I want to set a link that directs to the comments section of the post.

The URL of the page (using the category template) is (with “blockchain” being the category).

I’ve assigned an attribute to the wrapping div of the comments (as you suggested), but the resulting URL when clicked is, instead of

Could you assist me in rectifying this issue?
Thank you.

Hi @weedor, when you type in {page_url} this should give the full url in the context of whatever query loop you are in.

Since it seems the starting brace of the tag “{” is being encoded “%7B” this shows the tag was not completed “{page_url}” which was probably caused by a bug I have noticed with the url input.

Sometimes when typing a url, the entire url is not included (seems like a timing / asynchronous issue):
Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 11.34.20

Please retype the full url and ensure the preview shows what you expect to see then press enter (you may need to add and remove some characters at the end before it “catches up”:
Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 11.37.17

This should resolve your issue.

Hey @weedor, no need to apologize :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for sharing all the details.
That’s a bit odd it doesn’t work out for you, since everything seems to be in place.
Could you possibly share a screenshot of your attribute, just to confirm?

Thanks @Marius
Here are the screenshots with the attribute set:

Thanks @StrangeTech

When I remove the attribute and set the link as described, the cards (3) are not displayed, but the number of cards is ok.

Could you place a simple paragraph block below the div, repeat the steps (html tag and attribute) and check if the same issue occurs?
Do not modify anything else.

Here is the new paragrap under a Div (new one)
The paragraph has the tag <a>, "test is a static title.

The link is still the same with code instead of backet.

I’m not able to reproduce this but I also don’t know your query setup, etc.

I would recommend you to proceed testing / troubleshooting.
Same issue on query template 1st level (direct child)?
Is this happening outside the query as well?
If so, can you reproduce it on another site?

You could also ping here someone of the team so they can have a look at this.