Annoying with auto-select "Flex" when I choose any options in flex setting

Just a thought.

Auto-selecting “flex” can be annoying sometimes. I use my reusable global classes for my site to make maintaining it easier.

Some of the elements would have multiple global classes. For example, I have a class .flex-column for display:flex, then flex-direction:column. Then I want to set justify-content:flex-start, align-items:center with separate classes. Since I have the .flex-column on the element already, I want to add those mentioned properties with different classes. So, when I select any options for the flex setting (example: justify-content, align-items, row-gap, column-gap), it will trigger to select the flex automatically. Then I have to deselect it.


It is annoying, at least for me.
What do you think?

You can actually turn off Quick Flex in the Backend Settings panel :slight_smile:

OMG! I forgot to turn it off. I thought I did. My bad. :joy:
Thank you @sunny

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