Advice needed on how to create an editable/changeable website after layout

So I’ve made a website for a client a while ago, but now this client is levelling up and getting content editors for their website.

But I did not make the website with this in mind at the time (this is a mistake, I know). So all pages are kind of custom and not easily edited nor is it easy to create new layout blocks in my chosen design language.

How do you usually go about creating a website that works like an ecosystem where editors can easily step in and start using your design language in their desired blocks (video, text, etc.)?

Any advice is very welcome!!!

Hi @boris,

I highly recommend firstly separating any layout or dynamic content into the templates and keeping page content specific to what an editor will expect to edit on the current page.

Example: Home page with a content section followed by a recent posts list.

In this case the only thing in the home page itself would be the content you would want to see in the content section, not the section itself and not the recent posts list. Those are added to the template.

With regards to content, we used to use the following approach:

With Cwicly 1.3 we now use components for all customised reusable and editable blocks, so that is what I recommend, to keep within the Cwicly ecosystem for maximum flexibility.

Using a combination of the Cwicly Role Editor, the WordPress block visibility selector and adding components, you can provide a curated, streamlined editing workflow for your clients.

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thank you so much for your detailed response and link! this is definitely getting me on my way

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@StrangeTech , just out of curiosity, do you now use components for Block Patterns? and did components replace some Reusable Blocks?

I have replaced most patterns with Components. Components are easier for novices to change content. I use patterns/reusable blocks with ACF for sections that repeat the same content on more that one page.

Yes, components are a great replacement for both in that they allow both static content and dynamic content. This gives editors a single place to select these from, so it is a more streamlined and consistent experience.