Adding date filter type mapped to acf date custom filed

I need to add a date filter type connected to acf date field .
some thing like the date and date range filters in search and filters plugin demo

Can I achive that with cwicly native filters with some kind of hook without using other addons .

any replay please . I need to make my decision to stay with cwicly or not for this project, because its a very important setup in my site .

the forum is active but no body answer my question , is there a reason for that !

Hello @battarov,

Welcome to the community!
Sorry for not replying sooner.

Cwicly doesn’t currently provide a Date selector for the Filter block (coming soon) which might be a stopper for you.
Otherwise, no trouble filtering ACF date fields with the Filter block (static options) and Frontend Rendering.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

thanks for your relplay.
I wish you can add that asap.
I’m really impressed with fhe cwicly update and upgrade sequence, and wish to stay with cwicly especially for this project pecause Its a big project and I intend to reduce using plugins to keep the site and code clean .

I chose cwicly after 1 month of searching and testing more than 10 themes and site builders including pinegrow , and finally took my desicion to use cwicly easpecially because of native wordpress and gutenberg compatability , very strong support for loop builder including acf relationship field support , and also the amazing filter builder.

all of that was exactly what I’m trying to find in one package and cwicly was the solution .

but after purchasing and testing found that no date field filter type support , and because I have just basic php knowledge I will wait as I can untill you provide the date field filter support , because waiting is better than going with the other solution which contain alot of plugins for my project to get it done.