Add toggle for related / recommended videos to Video block

For embedded youtube videos there is a rel url parameter, which allows you to turn off recommendations.

Currently the Cwicly Video block does not support this.

We have tested copying the output of the Video block to a Cwicly Code block and manually adding &rel=0 to the iframe source and it works perfectly, so the only thing that is missing is the UI for this.

As the video block is such a user friendly block for clients, it will be a big win for them to be able to toggle this feature as for some websites/videos it is not appropriate to show recommendations.


@Louis, Just saw this:

Thank you so much for putting this in, we will now be able to remove custom code and just use the block instead!

I will test it out this week as soon as I have a moment.

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Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for the feature request and updating it!

Moving to done.
