Add Taxonomy Current Term where Dynamic content is available (Dynamic Value Inserter, Conditions, Image, etc...)


Here is the problem I am facing.

I extended the fields available in a Custom Taxonomy.
By default, there are Title and Description, both values that I can dynamically retrieve using the Dynamic Values Inserter: Wordpress / ARCHIVE / ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION.

But how can I retrieve the values stored in an ACF Field Group set in Taxonomy is equal to Custom Taxonomy?

I can see the Field group via
ACF / ACF Group / ACF Field
that is fine
but as Location, I can only set a static one via Taxonomy/Term and set a specific Term.

What I am looking for is the ability to set as location the current Taxonomy term of the current ARCHIVE.
I want to be able to display extra information set for that term, and that can also be very helpful in the Conditions if one wants to set various display options of the archive (Thumbnail or Slider for example) depending on the term that could be set directly when setting the taxonomy term.

Unless I am wrong, I don’t think I can with the current choices available in Cwicly at the moment.

Thank you in advance!


Well it doesn’t seem that anyone finds that request useful, if anyone needs it, in the meantime, one can use these snippets

  • to get the ACF associated with the Taxonomy term and
  • test if an ACF associated with the Taxonomy term has a certain value
function ACF_term($ACF_to_check){
// // get the current taxonomy term
$term = get_queried_object();
// vars
$ACF_term = get_field($ACF_to_check, $term);
return $ACF_term;

function Is_ACF_term($ACF_to_check,$value){
// // get the current taxonomy term
$term = get_queried_object();	
// vars
$ACF_term = get_field($ACF_to_check, $term);
// check
if ($ACF_term==$value){return true;} else {return false;}