Add Gradient to icons

I want to ask: how can I add gradient colour to an icon?

I have some social icons on my site. I want to have gradient colours on some of them, especially Instagram.

In Bricks Builder, I add this custom code.
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fa7e1e, #962fbf);
color: transparent;

Unfortunately, this code is not working for icons in Cwicly because Cwicly icons are svg, which Bricks is using: <i class="brxe-icon footer__social ig fab fa-instagram"></i>.

If it is unavailable to add gradients to the icons now, can you please consider this?

If there was a workaround I didn’t know, please feel free to share it with me. I will appreciate that.

Thank you!

This has been already requested here.

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Thank you for letting me know, @Marius! I’ve upvoted on the suggestion. :wink: