Add fallback font for custom fonts and enable swapping

Hi there,

due to GDPR requirements we host our website font (Roboto) on our server. We added it as custom font in Cwicly and it works fine. Nevertheless, now Google Pagespeed Insights complains that while loading the font the text is not visible. Therefore it would be great to provide the css font-display: swap; option with custom fonts. Also, it would be helpful to be able to specify a set of custom font file sources so that e.g., if a font is already installed with the client the font files should not be loaded (via src: local("Roboto"), url("")).

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Hi @MarloKessler,

I think it is already built it
refer to Font-display:swap - #2 by Marius

Basically in the Cwicly / settings / font sets
you have the display option that you can just set to swap (by default it is set to Auto)

This should fix your issue.

Oh yeah you’re right. Thank you for the hint!

You’re welcome, maybe change the subject of the thread, maybe we should even create a tip one or something as you are not the only one to have cross that same situation (I did).

Hi there,

The new Font Manager → now brings the possibility to add fallback fonts to the font-family property as well as allowing you to modify the font-display descriptor for every font file.

Moving to Done.


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