Add an option to remove license from client website

From version 1.2.2 on, we don’t have license control on the client website. License details are in the plugin license file, which is not a good way to implement a licensing system and will increase the chances of misuse of our license. If we remove our licenses from our dashboard, they are automatically reactivated, which is inconvenient for us. So, please add another way for license authorization.
Example: You can authorize a license by connecting our account to a website URL. So, if we remove the website from the dashboard, we must reauthorize it.

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Duplicate / Related. Child Licences

Hello @wforweb,

You can now blacklist domains from your Cwicly Dashboard → order details if you do notice any misuse of your specific license.
This should help prevent unwanted behaviour.



Thanks @Louis for this awesome feature. Please add an option to the wishlist domain or connect the domain, so no need for the license data file in the plugin file. Or you can provide an option to authorize the domain using our cwicly account example: if a user activated cwicly plugin then on the next page user have to authorize the domain using his/her cwicly account.

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