Acf licence

“From ACF 6.2.5 a valid ACF PRO license will be required to be activated on a site in order to create or edit PRO features in ACF’s admin screens.”

Will this affect cwicly and provision of pro field creation?


On November 15, 2023, ACF posted this information in the Release Notes for ACF 6.2.3:

From ACF 6.2.5 a valid ACF PRO license will be required to be activated on a site in order to create or edit PRO features in ACF’s admin screens. There is no impact on editing ACF field values on editor screens or rendering the values on the front end, and no changes to lifetime licenses.

It’s important to note since the security release of version 6.2.5, that they informed this change was delayed:

As a result of this security bug fix release, the previously announced changes to requiring an active license to use ACF PRO features have been delayed until 6.2.6.

There is also an ongoing discussion regarding this policy change (requiring an active license) and a change to their policy regarding 3rd-party developers bundling ACF and ACF Pro on their products in this document:

We do not allow bundling ACF or ACF PRO inside your own product as is, so ACF can be used by your users. It is should only be used to allow you to create fields and other ACF features required for your product.

However, they also provide a table of rules that govern the inclusion of their plugins in the same document that clearly indicates the possibility of including a license with premium plugins and themes (Notice the message at the bottom):

I don’t think there is anything to worry about. @Louis already mentioned a few times that they have a special license with ACF that includes ACF with Cwicly.

Hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello @Spipov,

Up until now, Cwicly has followed the terms and rules listed by ACF, see @zeinnicholas’ reply.

However, we have reached out to ACF to explore a licensing solution that is aligned with their updated terms.

I will keep this thread updated as soon as I have more information about this.
Thanks for your patience.



As I see it ACF allows customization of fields via JSON or PHP. Maybe then you can create your own visual for field configuration. In this case the user will not have access to ACF, but will be able to set the configuration through your interface.

Hey WP Engine: Show Cwicly some love!

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@Louis, what is the current status of this?

As of Cwicly 1.4 we are seeing the following:

As we have many sites relying on the Cwicly’s built-in ACF Pro integration, this is a high priority issue.


Hello @StrangeTech,

I appreciate your concern.

Nothing has been confirmed by ACF yet, and we’re still waiting for an official solution/statement on this.
While this message has been added, it does not currently reflect in the use of ACF Pro features.

As said previously, I will keep this thread updated as soon as valid and verified information has been shared.



Thank you for the quick response @Louis, it is much appreciated.

I can confirm that all Pro features are still accessible and working, we were just wanting to ensure that there was not something we needed to do on our side in the meantime.


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