ACF and Cwicly Template (Pages)

With the recent ACF update for FSE is it now possible to add ACF fields to a Cwicly Template? I noticed in ACF Settings > Rules the option to select Page Templates and was able to select my custom Cwicly Template. But I don’t see any fields appearing in the backend of the template editor. I thought I would just ask if anyone else has messed about with it.

Hi @hopscotch,

Unfortunately, it looks like ACF doesn’t support FSE just yet.

When you select your Cwicly Template in the ACF Settings > Rules, it only means that the field will apply if you have set that same template in the Page editor, not in the site editor.

Hopefully it will be integrated soon! :crossed_fingers:

No worries I stumbled across the option and thought maybe so. Thank you for clarifying.

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