Welcome to Design Requests!
This is your space to shape the future of the Cwicly Design Library.
Here, you can:
- Submit requests for new templates, wireframes, or any design elements you’d like to see added.
- Share inspiration from other websites, apps, or design resources.
- Describe specific functionality or aesthetics you’re looking for in new components.
- Discuss design trends you’d like to see reflected in our library.
- Provide feedback on existing designs and suggest improvements.
When posting, please be as detailed as possible. Include:
- Clear descriptions of your design request
- Links to similar designs or inspiration sources
- Any specific use cases or scenarios where this design would be helpful
- Mockups or sketches, if you have them
Our design team will regularly reviews these requests to guide the development of new Cwicly Design Library elements. Your input is invaluable in ensuring our resources meet the community’s needs.
Voting System:
This category features a voting function. The most popular requests, based on vote count, will be prioritised for review and potential implementation. Make sure to vote on existing requests that align with your needs!
Remember to check if similar requests already exist before posting, and feel free to upvote or comment on existing threads to show your support.
Let’s collaborate to make the Cwicly Design Library powerful and versatile!