Ability to define conditional Component properties

Components are amazing. We can add many kinds of properties and give the editor a lot of freedom and flexibility.

Two somewhat related features that will really enhance the usability of Component properties are:

  1. The ability to make one property conditional on another one.
    Example: You have a “Show Button” Visibility property and a “Button Text” Text property. You want the “Button Text” property only to be editable if the “Show Button” property is set to “visible”.

  2. The ability to make a visibility condition based on the value of another property.
    Example: You have a Button in your Component and a “Button Text” Text Property. You want the Button to be visible only when the "Button Text property is non-empty.
    This could also be done similarly to how it was with InnerBlocks:

Thank you Cwicly Team!

Yes, this is what I’ve been thinking about in the past.
Thanks for bringing this up.

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