1.4.2-beta5 When inserting text from figma or any other resource, the text is inserted as custom html element

When inserting text from figma or any other resource, the text is inserted as custom html element.

  1. Copy any text from figma or any website.
  2. Paste the copied text into any text element

Environment info

  • Fresh install through Local
  • Chrome: latest version
  • WordPress version: 6.6.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.2-beta5

Hello @creer,

Thanks for the report.

Indeed, I think this might have been introduced in the last beta… Will take a look and have a fix in the next update.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

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Copying and pasting text works correctly in 1.4.2-beta6. Thanks, @Louis

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Hello @creer,

Really appreciate you taking the time to check this out! Thanks for confirming.
Moving to Fixed Bugs.