1.4.2-beta Feedback

Some more general minor things…

Just want to add this, as I can’t edit my previous post anymore:


Is it planned to make the Primary tab accessible for Relative Styling editing for specific blocks or when applicable?
Currently, it does nothing other than closing the Relative Styling panel, which is not that intuitive.


Could the active tab being remembered?


For Block and Stylesheet, this works just fine. But not for Globals.

Some small UI proposals:

Following the naming convention in the builder (Background - *) and the CSS properties.

There were also users in the past who confused it with a parallax effect option.

Unify the edit experience:


Setting the “Edit Rules” icon apart from the Free-Form icon:


Using the same icon for

and ofc all other instances.


Any thoughts?
The current pseudos (hover, active, etc.) could come as default, but these could be controlled globally, so the user can decide what to display by default and add others on demand per block basis.

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