Improvement: Removing all inline
tags from Cwicly blocks in the backend Editor -
Improvement: Navigator → small visual changes
Improvement: Navigator → search by class/ID
Fix: Tab block →
were not being populated on page load - and wouldn’t be if the tab content blocks did not force their ID -
Fix: Blocks with
tag would have difficulties with browser specifics when trying to add spaces -
Fix: Components → custom CSS within Components would not render depending on the circumstances
Fix: Components →
value would be added to the beginning of default images on the frontend -
Fix: Conditions → Post Parent ID would not evaluate equal values correctly
Fix: Repeater block → image fallback would not be retrieved
Fix: Repeater block → image fields returning an Array would not be processed
Fix: Image block → images imported with third-party plugins don’t necessarily contain necessary width/height information which was leading to missing or tiny images on the backend and frontend
Fix: Importing Global Classes/Stylesheets from Cwicly library would result in a block crash
Fix: Modifying the tag of a block containing RichText would reselect the block after every keystroke
Fix: Components → transferring blocks out of a Component would result in its properties to be unavailable if set specifically in certain circumstances
Fix: Dynamic slider → the slider would not refresh if certain options were reset
Fix: Global Classes → some properties would not apply when editing in the Global Classes panel
Fix: Components → removed properties could not be deleted from blocks
Fix: Components → generated folder colours could lead to invalid strings which would crash the components folder
Fix: Popover block → adding an additional class to the block would crash it
Fix: Exiting Relative Styling in the Global Classes panel from the Advanced Tab would result in the primary tab to disappear
Fix: Relative Styling → free-form inputting would reset the caret to the end of the input after every keystroke in the Global Classes panel
Fix: Encode Email Share URL