Improvement: Frontend Rendering → moving process to Query block to allow all inner blocks to be dynamically controlled
Improvement: Aria-label option added to Link Wrapper
Improvement: Custom CSS now supported in Global Classes and Relative Styling
Improvement: Box-shadow unit support
Improvement: Automatically force block ID usage when customised
Improvement: Modal block → Disable Esc. option to limit users using the Escape shortcut to close a modal
Improvement: Modal block → move inline overflow styles to class
Improvement: Modal block → active class added to body
Improvement: Convert px to rem using the quick unit shortcut trem
Fix: Aspect Ratio property suggestions were not properly formated
Fix: Transition properties were not processed when copy/pasting styles
Fix: Custom tag for Query Template block
Fix: Remove Nav Dropdown block item description markup when not specified
Fix: Margin properties would not allow negative values with keyboard/scrubbing navigation
Fix: Post Content block classes now fully supported in Post Editor
Fix: Classes selector → Shift + Create button will now add virtual class to block
Fix: Classes selector → block styles copy/paste would not apply correctly
Fix: Nav Link → incorrect positioning of the
page class -
Fix: Colour picker → gradient maker global colours would not be displayed