Improvement: Filter block defaults
Improvement: Filter block: if not shown in selection, the filter property will not be reset when global reset triggered by user
Fix: Query block fallback now accepts arrays with the format:
Fix: Correctly measure row gap in Masonry activated items
Fix: Make sure to reset iFrames in Modal blocks only after exit animation
Fix: Remove Google Maps API callback console error
Fix: Implement correct notice for HTML/CSS regeneration
Fix: Speed up backend and Frontend Rendering Queries retrieval
Fix: Query pagination previous page condition
Fix: Post Object fields should now be properly supported in Repeater blocks
Fix: License checker → force user-agent
Fix: Position property couldn’t apply changes to pseudo-classes
Fix: Check for Repeater data when it doesn’t exist
Fix: Revert. SCSS comments were not being properly parsed due to previous fix for line breaks.
Fix: Gallery row/column gap properties were incorrectly labelled
Fix: Quick Inserter → select inserted block
Fix: Make sure Tilt reset property is properly applied
Fix: Frontend Rendering: Link Title was not properly rendered
Fix: Frontend Rendering: dynamic Link Title was not properly rendered