Wrapper <div class="wp-site-blocks”> needed?

When I create header, footer and main (post content) template parts, they are all wrapper inside a <div class="wp-site-blocks”>.

Is there a way to delete this wrapper?

Thanks Marius,

I read that topic just now.

It would be nice if we would have the possibility to make a really clean theme as described in that topic without any wrapper., i.e. :


@Louis, perhaps the wording of this Cwicly setting may benefit from being made slightly more specific:

Anyone reading that would probably initially believe that there would be no additional div wrapper.

This setting is not related to this topic though

I think it could be understood to be at least tangentially related, given that it specifically relates to template part wrappers.

I agree with your points regarding clean code and perhaps this setting can be enhanced to include the wp-site-blocks div or a second setting can be added to enable overriding the page generation as per the other linked thread.