When inserting a gradient from Figma or another tool, the thumbnail is not displayed in the Global Gradients panel
Error Reproduction
Insert a linear gradient into the Global Gradients panel.
For example, this one: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(214, 235, 253, 0.10) 0%, rgba(128, 140, 151, 0.50) 42.5%, rgba(140, 154, 166, 0.10) 100%);
Enter started working only after rebooting Local WP. It’s a pity that some things in Cwicly don’t work quite stable. Unfortunately it is not always possible to capture the error on video and provide instructions on how to reproduce the error.
For example, custom fonts sometimes don’t load in Cwicly the first time, sometimes all photos/svg in the Cwicly interface disappear but are displayed on the frontend.