Tailwind breakpoint view is stuck to Base (on Load)

Basic assumptions:

  • Tailwind has mobile first breakpoints therefore Base must be set to 1px below 1st breakpoint.
  • Editing a Post, Page, etc. is using the Base (that’s my problem) as a starting point in the Editor when loading.
  • I noticed there was an option to change the view in the Role Editor (see image).

Problem: This view with higher breakpoint is not working.
No matter what breakpoint I choose as the view, when loading a new page to edit, the original view is always the Base: Lowest breakpoint for mobile.

Site on local

  • WordPress version: 6.6.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.4


Did you use the tailwind breakpoint reset button to initialise your breakpoints or did you create them some other way?

Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 13.31.01

Hi! Yes I tried 2, 3 times with reset button.
Does the way from the Role Editor work for you?
I regenerated as well to make sure.

We haven’t been using this for our client sites yet as we are waiting for this feature:

However, I tested on one of our test sites and it worked perfectly for me.

One final check - do you have Force Iframe enabled or disabled? (we have it enabled for all of our post types for a more consistent editing experience)