Some style didnt render well in the editor(not bug)

  • WordPress version: 6.6
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.4


I see this weird issue today. Not sure why.

I suddenly this today when I open this site.


*Sorry for the wrong word in the screencast title.

The style in the editor was not rendering well until I disabled and reenabled the stylesheet. But it returned after a refresh.

Not sure if anyone else also facing the same.

I noticed that the rendering issue due to CSS variables.

Hello @jornes,

Thanks for the report.

I’m sorry to see you’re experiencing trouble here.
Would it be possible for me to have a quick check of this directly on your installation?
If yes, could you send me temporary login info through pm?

Much appreciated!

Hi @Louis ,
I have sent you the login link through DM.
Please check it out when you’re available.

Thank you!

Hello @jornes,

Thanks for the access.

It seems that your CSS in Header-Stuff is not valid: .header-nav {


.header:hover .header-nav {

If you either remove/complete the definitions/values, I believe the issue should be fixed.


Hi @Louis,
Thank you for your investigation!

Yes! I had such lines; I wasn’t aware that it was invalid to keep them as empty. Now I removed them, and it seems to work now.

Thanks again!