I am working with both the Slider block and the Repeater Block enabled as a slider. I was curious if there are any other transition options? If not what are others using for alternative solutions? I have read about the possible implementation of Splide. I suppose if I am looking for anything else transition wise I should just use Splide?
The dynamic slider feature is already based on Splide.
The Slider Block will receive the Splide update at some point.
If you are missing any option or feature from the Splide library, which didn’t find its way to the GUI, I’d suggest to open a feature request.
Let me clarify. I have only a simple slider of 4 images. 3000ms duration for each slide. No navigation. There is no transition of any sort currently. There are options for ‘Type’ such as Slide, Loop and Fade, but I assume that is nothing to do with transitions but with the type of slider. Even when I add a Transition (ms) of 0.5 there is no change. Just the abrupt change to the next slide, no fade no slide.
I have also tried the basic Slider block and that also has no transitions. I see the option for Fade but even when activated there is no change on the frontend. Surely there is at least a Fade transition?
Maybe this can help you out @hopscotch:
Do you have any accessibility related options on your system (OS/Browser) activated?
If so, try to disable them.
Keep me updated about your progress.
Oh I read that, the lot of it. I made certain to do so because I didn’t want to waste your time. You are brilliant at helping people out in here.
I am using a basic slider just for a hero banner image slider. As long as I don’t add any Transition (ms) duration the Fade transition (though brief) works as intended. If I add any Transition (ms) duration there is no transition whatsoever. I am loading the images dynamically via an ACF group. I’ll use some custom CSS if I want anything more creative.
Thanks for your warm words @hopscotch, I really do appreciate.
Could you try to apply a custom transition value of e.g. 2000ms to the slider and share a link to your site?
I’ll have a quick look then and see if I face the same transition behavior.
You could also try the dynamic slider of the Blanc template from the design library?
Can you replicate your issue here as well?
On my end, it’s working as intended.
You’re very good @Marius I found the issue. I am a complete eejit . In the transition duration box I was entering ‘0.5’ or ‘0.6’ like you do within any Cwicly block under Timing and Transition Duration. I didn’t cop on to the (ms). I of all people should know better…
I promise to have a legit issue next time I post
Total blonde moment and I am not even blonde
No worries, glad it’s working now on your end.
Don’t feel bad about it, it just happens here and there
I think the best bet would be to share the corresponding block option as a screenshot, wherever the issue occurs - in this case the transition duration.
So it would be more straightforward to quickly exclude any potential user error.
I literally just sent an email to support asking the exact same question … and I made the exact same mistake
Thanks for letting us know, @hopscotch
This could also be considered an inconsistency on our part, we should be able to make that field flexible to accept both formats
Thanks for the help as always, @Marius!
Oh thats a relief @smontreuil at least I am not the only one! Still embarrassing and I had to admit it, no way around it. No worries @Louis that issue was completely of my own making
Thank you again @Marius