Section global class styling doesn't apply to inner wrapper

Thanks, didn’t know about block patterns…
Don’t seem very user friendly yet, you need a plugin or code to register them…
I’ll stick to my reusable for now :wink:

Yeah, this still feels like a UX case that needs a better solution IMO.

Right now whenever I add a class to a section, I add a relative style for .cc-wrapper. It adds an extra step (that I still sometimes forget to do).

The fact that styling a section without a class affects the inner wrapper, but styling a section with a class doesn’t - has to be confusing for new users. It’s something that can only be understood for a user after investigating why it’s not working.

I really do think the logic needs to be changed. Either the Inner Wrapper needs to be added to the structure panel (preferred), or styling the class needs to work the same way as styling with block styles.

Another option is to have a .cc-wrapper relative style added to sections by default - the same way arrow relative styles are added to sliders. That helps the situation, but not the new user experience as much.

Exposing the inner container in the Cwicly navigator hierarchy makes the most sense probably.

This would be great, but doesn’t solve the fact that if you apply a global class to the section, it would still require manually adding the relative style. For that reason your preferred solution is also our preferred solution.