Reworked Conditions and Dynamic Data

You can probably guess what my response will be, here it is none-the-less.

The visibility conditions UI demoed on the live is a great improvement and addresses all of the points I raised here:

Also the dynamic data changes are incredibly powerful and bring a whole host of possible points for discussion.

The first thing that comes to mind if this is added to all places where dynamic data is used, is how it addresses simple things like being able to use Featured Image as the fallback for an image block if an ACF image is not available, or vice versa - this is something we have been interested in for a long time as a missing feature, so will be very much appreciated.

@Louis, regarding your question about whether the source should be dynamic, here is one possible use case:

Imagine you have an ACF field you define for a specific post or page, let’s say that has the possibility to be null. Then imagine you have an equivalent global ACF field in an options page. Making the source dynamic will allow you to use the global ACF field as a fallback to the page/post based one.

One questions I have @Louis, Does this allow us to specify a dynamic function and/or dynamic shortcode and pass dynamic parameters to them? This is a very important feature for us that has some limitations in the current UI, so I really will love to see this included. Based on what you demoed it seems eminently possible.

Regarding reservations, my only consideration is that everything is thoroughly tested and proven to work before it is released “in the wild”.

I am curious your thoughts about this.