Repeater not showing with CPT UI

when I am adding a repater like in this video it is working fine.

Now when I have posts that are in a custom post type created with the CPT UI plugin. The repeater would not load any fields.

If I query for the post and put the repeater inside it is working fine.

Is there something that I am missing?

Hi @T-low,

I’m not quite sure I’m understanding the set up correctly.
Are you saying that you can’t get the Repeater to work on a single custom type post?

Hi @Louis,
yes that is correct. In addition I was using a cwicly custom template to fill in all the posts with one template.

With a good nights sleep and new energy I found the error.
Affter adding the repeater and the source, I was not able to add a div to the repeater. Hence I thought the repeater would not get any data. So now I added a specific post ID and it works. I set up my design and !! had to reset the specific post ID to current !! which is not as UX friendly but it is working. Well until I would have to edit that template again.

Hi @T-low,

Are you using Dynamic Preview - Documentation?

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Woops forgot to activate it on my new install :smiling_face_with_tear:
Working fine :+1: