Question about editor loading speed

Posting in here to not create another topic.

My concern is no about speed but the order in which everything loads in the editor.
It seems the content is loaded first and after the stylesheet. The more content is on the page the more this is visible.

Isn’t there a way to prioritize the stylesheet to load first?
As an alternative, I think I would even prefer a loading animation till everything is loaded.

I agree with this remark.
I also have the impression Cwicly tries to load the universe before the stylesheets…

There should be some WP hook somewhere to inject stylesheet loading before the content.

Are there any opinions after the recently made improvements?
I think there were several aspects addressed by Cwicly.
Not tested, but WP 6.3 might play its part here as well.

Compared to the past, it’s quite fast now.
It’s not only the page load speed, but everything also feels smoother and more responsive, especially (yeah, who could imagine) with bigger pages.

Considering all the stuff happening in the background while loading, I’m pretty happy currently with these improvements and respectable results - especially when reading about the problems other tools have in that regard.