Problems understanding how to use Class/Global Class/ID properly

Hi there @michelyweb,

Thanks for your message, and I’m sorry the class system in Cwicly doesn’t make sense to you.

  • The Class field holds the class for the specific block. We do recommend to keep this unique throughout your website. If you delete the block, you delete the class styles.
    In the near future you will be able to remove the class and id, but currently Class holds all the styles you apply to the block it is linked to.

  • The Additional Classes field is there to hold any additional class you want to add to your block. Its intended use was to list all classes that belong to all the other blocks on your installation.
    Why have this specific field?
    Simply because if you ever rename one of the block’s class, whatever page/post/template you’re on, that new class name will automatically be applied to blocks that may contain that specific class.
    From the Additional Classes field, you can also add a class name that hasn’t been created by a block and that you don’t want to have as a global class.

  • The Global Classes field is ONLY to be used for Global Classes created for that specific purpose (editable from the Global Classes panel). Every time you add/create a global class inside this field, you can edit in using the visual style editor wherever you are on the installation.
    It is not linked to a block and can only be removed from the Global Classes panel.

The separations are basically:

  • Class → block class

  • Additional Classes → any class that belongs to a block + any class that isn’t a block class or global class

  • Global Classes → editable globally using the style editor

Hope that helps a little. We will have a video tutorial going over this in the next few weeks.

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