Post template: dynamic post except characters number issue

when i input a number here in template, on the post page will not post excerpt anymore. by the way , my wordpress is chinese.

Hello @qiang814k,

Sorry for not responding to this earlier.

Can you let me know how many characters you’re asking for exactly? Does this happen for 10 - 50 - 200 characters?

Thanks in advance.

thanks for your answer, for me 200 is enough.

Hello @qiang814k,

Even with 200 characters the excerpt doesn’t display?

Can you try adding a manual to the post to see if it works then?

Thanks in advance.

i add the excerpt just now , before it did not show at all. now it is working.
i will test and report in detail later.
thanks so much

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Hello @qiang814k,

Thanks for letting me know.
If I understand correctly, the auto generation is not working on your installation?

on this site, each post have it’s own excerpt text(input manually when listing post)

if i put a number to limit the characters

all the excerpt text are disappear on frontend.

if i leave nothing in limit input

all the excerpt text show out on frontend

i test auto generation post except(i did not input post except text manuly, but have text in post content) on another site,
some post can show except text in loop, some can not, i can not give a clear answer at the moment, i will test and report to you tomorrow. thanks