Pasting from Tailwind content does not purge the Tailwind cache


For some reason when pasting Tailwind content, we need to manually purge the Tailwind cache in order to see the results on the frontend.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

  1. Open the Post Editor for a Page
  2. Paste in some tailwind content using the HTML to Blocks feature
  3. Save the Page
  4. Note the styles are not shown on the frontend

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.3

Hello @StrangeTech,

I can’t seem to reproduce this on a clean install when copy/pasting Tailwind HTML to blocks.

Can you confirm that the Tailwind mode was active, and does this happen every time?

Thanks in advance.

Hello @Louis,

I will send you access details of the site we tested on.

Hello @StrangeTech,

As discussed by private message, I believe the issue you were experiencing was due to one of your global stylesheets not being parsed correctly, which in turn canceled the generation of global styles.
Moving to General but will take a look at improving the catching these issues during generation.