Option to change the HTML tag for query template + its items

It would be nice if we would be able to change the HTML tag for the query template (wrapper) and its items.

For example, if I would like to display 3 most recent posts, the ideal html structure would be:

<ul> (query wrapper)
   <li> (query item)

Right now it is just bunch of divs and we don’t have a control over the HTML tags.

Some related threads:

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Yep, it seems I am not the only one that is needing this functionality.

@Louis Could we take a look at this in future updates?

From the recent live spotlight, I just want to confirm that we are happy enough with using a Query block in most cases, the priority for us is simplifying the output, so that it produces clean html tags without wrappers, that we have more control over.

With that we can render:

Query (html tag: ul or ol)
Query Template (html tag: li)

Or even Tables (using nesting for example):
Query (html tag: tr)
Query Template (html tag: td)