List block applying column-count to both wrapper and list

I have upgraded to 1.4.2 and have encountered a bug I believe. Within the Cwicly list block I have set the column count to 4. But it was doubling the columns to matter what I set it at. Then I noticed on the front end that column-count: 4; was being applied to both the <ol> element and the generated parent wrapper div that we have no control over. Has anyone else encountered this? I was able to reproduce this just by adding a new Cwicly List item block and setting a column-count amount.

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Hello @hopscotch,

Thanks for the report and sorry for the inconvenience.

Indeed, I believe that in 1.4.2 we fixed a bug with the columns property not being added to Cwicly blocks, which in turn caused this issue to appear on the List block that has a specific setting for it, effectively doubling it.

This should be fixed in 1.4.3.

If you still have trouble with this, please let me know by replying to this thread.


i was about to ask you for the exact same bug :slight_smile:


This issue is now confirmed resolved with the update of 1.4.3.

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Also many thanks for the quick fix!

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