Is it possible to use other tailwind plugins besides “typography”, “forms” and “container queries”? In the documentation for Tailwind Plugins, it states “Importing Tailwind plugins is seamless. Reference the NPM package name.”. But doesn’t give any more detail than that.
Can someone help me with this as I’m very new to Cwicly.
It should be as simple as adding a custom configuration in the configuration editor and specifying the plugins by “NPM package name” in the plugins array.
Thanks for your reply. It does seem like this has worked. Although, for some reason the other tailwind classes seem to not be working now. In the screenshot below is a picture of the front-end after adding the daisyui plugin. The ‘button’ is working correctly but now my previously styled site is not.
Even after purging/regenerating CSS, the tailwind CSS works but then the daisyui stops working. Any ideas?
Thanks very much. Sorry for my slow replies
No big deal from my end at least as I’m just testing out Cwicly for a side project but the tailwinds plugin feature seems very cool and promising!
Thanks again for your help