Headings weight does not change in the designer and frontend when assigning weight to Body


The weight of headings does not change in the designer and frontend when assigning weight in Body, but the paragraph weight changes correctly.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

  1. Set the heading size, but do not set the weight.
  2. Load the font locally, set the weight in body. Remove preset weight in h1-h6 in element panel
  3. Look at the code in the css inspector and make sure that the headings styles in the elements (which we previously removed) override the preset body styles

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Insert Images, Videos or GIFs

Environment info

  • Local
  • WordPress version: 6.6.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.2-beta4

Hi @creer,

Forgive me if I am misunderstanding but what you are showing seems to be the expected behaviour.

In your screen recording you can see that the bold weight for the headings is coming from the “User Agent Stylesheet” which is effectively the browser default styles.

In order to override this, we have to set the font weight for the headings, and they will not inherit weight from the body.

So if this is what you were referring to, this is not a bug, and definitely not a Cwicly issue.


Hello @StrangeTech , it looks like you’re right. I specified the value “unset” in the headings in the element panel and my problem is solved, thanks.

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