Filtering by ACF Field

Hi @JohnySvitana,

thanks again for your detailed descriptions!

I just tried this and it does work indeed. The only thing is that I need to reload for some reason for the facets to take effect.

Do you know why it works without reload on your page?

Hello Jonas,

glad that it works for you.
Do you have “apply filter” facet on your page ?
This facet is like manual loading button - for example on my page i use it in header filter.
But when you are on listings page there isnt this button and wpgb basiccaly knows that it should use ajax to filter.

Can you provide link to your page?
Also do you have cwicly query? or gutenberg query loop?

Hi @JohnySvitana,

I did not use the apply filter button. Also I used the Gutenberg Loop.

Here you can see the listing:

Maybe it is because my Gridbuilder WP version is 1.7.3? Don’t have a license at the moment and that’s the last version I had.

You are missing class on your UL element, add this class on template part on your gutenber query loop “wpgb-content”, Look on my site you will find a place for it in advanced tab of this block.

If you want we can do online call i will show you how to set it up.

Hi - I’ve been trying to get this to work all day before I saw this post. To confirm there is still no way to use the Cwicly Filter to show user facing filter options within the filter block for a query based on a customer post type which uses ACF data fields?

Are there any other work arounds available that don’t require the use of another paid plugin like WP Grid Builder?

One of the main reasons I purchased Cwicly was because I thought this was an available option since its integrated w/ACF already.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @Ryma,

at the moment filtering for ACF values is only possible by setting up each option manually like described above in this thread.
But it seems like the Cwicly team is working on it:

hello @Ryma I was able to use chat gpt to dsegin custom loops and filters but it is really tedious if you want it to work smoothly like wpgb.

But hey, i think cwicly is doing amazing job in acf integration. OFC it could be better.I had to come back to my oxygen site (to do some maintenance job) and i have to say that this is really small compromise that i had to make in comparison with oxygen. I would say that you have made good decision.

  • what exactly you need to achieve?

I’ve bought WP GridBuilder and just trying to use it to display a Grid and set of filters for that grid using ACF Custom Fields, but within WP GridBuilder I don’t have the ability to use an ACF Image Field as the image for the card in the grid. Bit of a WP newbie - Does anyone have a step by step guide on how to do this?

Hello @ryma,

did you looked in wpgb documentation? They have i would say preety good base of information there.
There is possibility to use acf image field in their builder but it is not intuitive and it is litle bit more challenging to make it work and look how you want.

And i Highly recommend their support!! They respond really fast and they are reasonable helpful.

PS: you might wanna try combining cwicly for your card design and wpgb to make it filter.
Just look little bit up in this thread.

Hope this helps.

Any updates on when this might be planned for?