Feature request for Cwicly Documentation

I appreciate that Cwicly is in a growth phase and that documentation is therefore tricky to keep up to date, but would really appreciate some way of knowing wether the documentation I am looking it is relevant to the current version of Cwicly I am working on.

Hi @wmonline,

I appreciate your comment and experience with the Cwicly documentation, although you are leaving us in a bit of a dark spot without too much to hold onto.

Could you link to specifics?


Perhaps a “tag” or some banner/ribbon on the page stating the document’s highest version compatibility? Something like “Works with vX.X.X.X”.

I do note that at the bottom of all documentation pages there is the “Last modified XXX ago”.

I noticed you’re using Gitbook (never used it) for your documentation site, so I am not sure how to dynamically insert a tag for pages.

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Here is an example : Versioned documentation — Read the Docs user documentation 9.9.0 documentation if you look at the bottom left, it indicates version (latest) and gives the user the option to select version (if setup) VS with current Cwicly documentation if I go to : Query - Documentation … the screenshots (Query Editor) do no match what I am seeing in :