Div background

Since the version 2.0, I can’t access to the div background property.

Or on the front page, I have it but doesn’t display on a section.

Is it due to my role settings?

On the front page, I have this:

But the background is in the html:

Capture d’écran 2022-10-03 à 16.25.08

In the editor, I have these problems:

for the front:

On a new page that I built today:

The site: https://www.ombres-et-lumieres.eu

After upgrading, the problem on the new page disappeared.

But the problem on the front page is still there.

You could try to:

  • regenerate the HTML from the Cwicly settings
  • re-save your page/template
  • hard-refresh your browser

finally, I erase the wrong divs and made new ones with the background.

And everything works