Custom Format not working for Date added using dynamic inserter


When adding the post published date using the dynamic inserter, specifying a Custom Format corrupts the data displayed.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

  1. In the site editor, edit a post template
  2. Insert a dynamic post date into a paragraph using the dynamic inserter
  3. Choose Custom Format
  4. Specify a valid date format (e.g. F Y)
  5. View the post

Please note: Using any predefined format works. And using the dynamic content directly in a paragraph with a custom format also works. The issue is specifically with the dynamic inserter.

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 5.9.3
  • Gutenberg Plugin version: -
  • Cwicly Plugin version:
  • Cwicly Theme version: 1.0.3

Hello @StrangeTech,

Thank you for the report and apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Indeed, the returned value from the Custom field for Post Date is incorrect.

This will be fixed in the next release this week.

Thanks for your patience on this one.

Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks once again for the detailed report.
This should be addressed in

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
