Copy/pasting blocks from other sites loses the block names and the block tags


As per the title.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

  1. Open the Post Editor/Site Editor
  2. Copy a block or blocks with a custom name and/or a customised html tag
  3. Paste it on a different site
  4. Note that those customisations are not present on the new site after pasting

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Just tested this quickly and couldn’t find any issue.
Block name (custom Navigator label, if you are referring to that) and tags are transferred correctly.

Tested with latest stable as a source to the latest beta version.

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I can’t seem to be able to reproduce this either.

Are there any errors that appear in the console log?

Weird, this has happened multiple times with members of our team and I have witnessed it with my own eyes…

Let me do some tests and see if I can isolate the parameters.

I was unable to replicate this in my testing, so it must be environment specific.

I will check with the team members who experience this consistently and see if we can isolate the exact factors that are causing this.


While this doesn’t happen for me, other members of our team experience it every time logging in with the same WordPress user and performing the same actions.

Here is a screen recording showing the issue.

Please note how the Block name and tag customisations are lost when pasting:

This is not a bug, this is a feature, called “Copy Linked” (which might not make sense when you use global classes, it’s rather a block class feature).
It’s also unrelated to cross site pasting. You just need to take care of that before pasting, copy linked at your destination is disabled. At the time you copy your blocks, it does not have any effect.

You can disable it here:


Please see also here.

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Hi @Marius,

Firstly, thank you for the tip.

We are familiar with it but have never used the copy linked feature as we exclusively use global classes and copy linked doesn’t play well for reusability between pages/sites and is also not easily understood by developers less experienced with Cwicly.

Based on this, I am trying to understand why this would apply for one team member and not another.

To my knowledge I don’t remember ever toggling the copy linked button, the other team members have also never pressed it, and for me, pressing it doesn’t have much of an effect, so my questions are:

  1. Where is the default for this configured so this can be switched off for all users?
  2. In what context is it applied (per machine, per session, pre site, per user)? (we have tested using the same WP user)

@Louis, I have confirmed that the behaviour is caused by the copy linked feature as @Marius pointed out.

So the problem as stated is not technically a bug.

However I have identified the cause of the confusion and why we didn’t spot this sooner.

When using the top toolbar - the toggle state is not shown:

Selected state using editor toolbar:

Selected state using top toolbar:

Effectively there is no way to know whether the copy linked feature is on or off when using the top toolbar.

Also, @Louis, when you have a moment, please can you confirm these questions, as I am still trying to understand why this is toggled for them in the first place:

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Hi @Louis, as this issue as raised is not a bug and we have a separate bug for the Copy Linked part, I have moved this to General.

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