Hi, @Louis , I know this issue hasn’t been discussed for a while. But I am experiencing a few issues with Display Conditions using Frontend Rendering on a WC site.
I can confirm this is a problem. In my case it happens when I’m trying to show/hide a product Sale Price when it’s On/Not on Sale. The option simply doesn’t work, either hiding the block completely, or not hiding it at all on all products, with no distinction between On Sale and not on sale products.
Moreover, the “Sale Percentage” option for the Dynamic Value returns nothing.
I though this was an error on my end, or something related to me excluding products in a specific custom Taxonomy Term from the query, or because I’m using a (whitelisted) shortcode for the product title. But after further testing this without these options, the problem persist.
I also have some customizations on my store, where I apply some taxonomy terms automatically (for example, if a product is on Sale, it gets the ‘Sale’ term from a custom taxonomy applied to it automatically). I tried to test the Display Conditions by using the option Post Term === Sale
, and the result is that nothing appears on the frontend at all when this option is selected.
When looking further I can also see the Visibility
Query Parameter for Products in the Query Editor has no effect on the frontend at all. I had to use Stock Status : In Stock
I’m not sure this is a problem specific to this website or not, as the website is at least 7 years old, and has gone through a lot (despite my best efforts to clean it up).
Here are some of the settings for this query:
- Template Part: Product Catalog (from the default WooCommerce).
- Frontend Rendering is on
- Infinite Load More is on
- Query is almost identical do the one in this article.
Site Info (from Site Health):
Click to reveal
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PayPal Brasil para WooCommerce: version: 1.4.9, author: PayPal
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Any suggestions?