Class workflow rework feedback

Hello @sunny and @Marius,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and improvement suggestions.

Thank you for noticing this one. This should be fixed in the latest update.

This is a slightly more tricky one that I had left untouched until I’d love to have your opinion on the implementation when you have time.

Over the last 2 years, having seen the way users interact with the different dropdown elements in the inspector window, one constant that has come up is the fact that pressing enter forces them to select an existing value, instead of being able to create a new one.

We’ve decided to go with an arrow keys/tab navigation that should allow you to navigate and selecting existing classes without requiring the mouse in most cases, but without forcing a selection from the start.

This isn’t set in stone and can evolve!

Introduced in I’m getting a “told you so” from @Araminta :wink:

Correct. We kept the fixed height for the class containers as allowing a flexible one would require more logic and I did wonder if displaying more classes was counter-productive in the end.
Definitely something we can explore.

That’s interesting to hear. Do you find it too distracting when scrubbing through the classes?

This was something we spent quite some time discussing with the team. I’ll reply with a more detailed post in the feature request that was opened by @StrangeTech

Thank you once again for your feedback, really appreciated.


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