unable to set a global typography style
Please write a brief description of the bug you’re experiencing, including what you expect should happen and what is currently happening.
when going to globals, clicking on element and trying to set the global heading and paragraph typography, it doesn’t apply on heading block nor paragraph block. Can’t find a way to apply these styles. I went to my theme styles (greenshift theme and tried also with the default twenty twenty four theme) as well in the site editor, but I desperatly get the segoe ui default wordpress font in both backend and frontend.
when I add the wordpress default title and paragraph blocks, the theme styles I set in the site editor styles still don’t apply to them.
I wanted to try with the Cwicly theme but I can’t get it back since I’ve installed the Grenshift theme. Even uninstalling and reinstalling Cwicly doesn’t give me access to the Cwicly theme and I don’t know where and if it’s possible to downoald it to try if it could work with it.
When I disable Cwicly, the typography styles I created into the site editor render normally on front end.
I replicated the issue in another site.
Step-by-step reproduction instructions:
Please write the steps needed to reproduce the bug.
Open the Post Editor/Site Editor
add cwicly paragraph and heading blocks, go to globals, click on elements, scroll down to reach block typography. -
enter the styles yo want for heading and paragraph
the styles of the heading and paragraph block you add on the canvas are the default ones, the global styles don’t show in backend nor front end.
try to set the styles by going to the site editor theme styles, it remains the default styles.
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Environment info
- WordPress version: 6.7.1
- Cwicly Plugin version: