Allow overriding of Typography Preset on per block basis

Currently, when applying a preset, the typography controls are disabled for a block.

This prevents us from overriding specific typographic properties (e.g. weight) for that block.

When working with designers, they often apply different weights or other variations to the same font style.

This requires us to create a font preset for every single variation: (e.g. Display XL bold, Display XL medium, Display XL light, etc, etc).

It will be a significant improvement to add the ability to apply a font preset and override specific properties on a per block basis as this will reduce duplication of effort.


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Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for bringing this up.
We have planned to open up these properties for individual blocks as originally block typography presets were applied differently from the way they are now. But definitely something that will be added soon.


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Much appreciated @Louis. This will be very very helpful.

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Hello Louis,

I just randomly tested this with the latest Cwicly version and it seems to be included!!

Can you confirm this is not a hallucination but is actually an unexpected surprise addition, before we gratefully migrate our text styles to take advantage of it.


Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for bringing this up, we missed this one.
Indeed, this was included in

Moving to done!


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@Louis Thanks for this addition. It was very much needed.