ACF Gallery with Query Template

Hi @jornes, You can add more “columns” by increasing the number of fractions and as many blocks as you like using the Add Block button. Then you can drag the blocks to reposition them within the available space.

Edit: I see you are modifying the gallery not columns block, so please ignore the part about Add block.

Yes! I’m not editing the gallery block either. I am editing the repeater block. I can add fractions, but there is no way to increase the block, no matter how I try.

Okay. So Custom CSS is required for this for the time being.

Hey @Louis What do you think? Please add the option for us to increase the number of blocks in the grid builder for the repeater block. So we can design the grid visually. I wish I could design the complete grid layout when using the repeater block.

When you increase the number of fractions did you try scrolling down in the grid editor?

Yes. I did. But not scrollable and no columns added. Only the columns became smaller. And there was no way to add more column.